Order the Book Here!
A compilation of stories by Priests, Religious and the people of God.
432 pages - over 201 stories!

The complete encyclical of Pope John Paul on the Eucharist
52 Page Communion and Novena Prayer Section
by Father Lawrence Lovaskik, DVM

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Publication date - September 23, 2004
the feast of Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist includes:
A Very Special Bonus
52 Pages!

A Novena of Holy Communions
The complete text of this beautiful and inspirational booklet is included in 201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist

Father Lawrence Lovasik, DVM. Tan Publishing
Note: You might want to buy the small booklet from Tan to carry to Mass. I have had one in my pew since I joined the monastery (yes, it's over 20 years!) and I absolutely love it! I was overjoyed to find it was reprinted. My copy is from 1953! For more information Click Here

201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist includes:

Includes the Full Encylical of Pope John Paul

201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist includes:
4 exciting teachings on the Eucharist

The Eucharist
by Father Thomas Bokenkotter

The Sacrament of the Eucharist
What Has Happened to My Devotions?
by Father Tom Richstatter

Real Presence in the Eucharist
by Father Jeffrey Von Lehman

The Real Presence
Jesus’ Gift to the Church
by John Bookser Feister

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